The 37717B offers modular, upgradeable one-box solutions for installation, field maintenance, commissioning and manufacturing. Rugged and portable, they allow full functional testing of SDH, PDH and ATM equipment, including jitter generation and measurement.
The HP 37717C has color display, graphics printer, and dual-standard SONET/SDH capability. The HP 37717B monochrome version provides a budget solution, with a 24-column printer, Both have a 3.5-inch disk drive for results retrieval and storage, firmware upgrades, and results export to PC applications.
The HP 37717B/C family of communications performance analyzers offer one-box, field portable testers for installation, maintenance and commissioning of today$$$s hybrid PDH/SDH and ATM transport networks and network equipment at SDH rates from STM4 (622 Mb/s) through STM-I (155 Mb/s) to Sq$$$M4) (52 Mb/s). Optical 1310 nm and 1550 nm interfaces are supported as well as electrical interfaces at all rates. A range of PDH rates from 140 Mb/s to 704 kb/s are also supported. The measurement capability is configured using a modular architecture, allowing fully flexible configurations and full upgradeability-thus protecting your investment in test equipment. The instrument can be configured to simultaneously include PDH, SDH, ATM and jitter, or it can be can be configured to be PDH only, SDH only or ATM only with or without jitter generation and measurement.
The HP 37717B monochrome version (with internal 24- cofumn printer) provides a budget solution.